The Power of Body Positivity

Can Affirmations Change Your Body?
Affirmations work by changing your subconscious mind. When you say something out loud, it becomes part of your conscious thoughts. You then start to believe what you're saying, which changes your behavior. “We live in a society where it’s easy to get bogged down with lots of negativity,” Dr. Lauren Alexander, psychologist, says. “Positive affirmations are a way to help shuttle out some of that negativity, in terms of the things that we say to ourselves.” This gives you control of the narrative of who you truly are. This means that when you tell yourself that you look good or that you are beautiful, you start acting like it. The more you repeat the statement, the easier it will be for you to believe it. If you want to become healthier, you must practice self-love. By loving yourself, you'll feel better about yourself, and this will make you happier.Just being kind to yourself can impact your physical health, emotional health and mental health. In fact, using affirmations have been shown to improve your mental health. Studies show that they can reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and other negative emotions. They can also help you deal with issues such as low self-esteem, eating disorders, and body image problems. Using affirmations can also boost your immune system. Studies even suggest that using affirmations can lower your risk of getting sick. Positive body image affirmations can change your behavior and the way you view your body overall.
How Do I Affirm My Body?
You can use positive body image affirmations to help build confidence in your own body. You may find that you feel more comfortable wearing clothes that fit you properly. Or maybe you'd like to work on your skincare. Whatever your goal is, body positive affirmations can help you achieve it. You may want to find some plus size body positive quotes, body acceptance body positivity quotes or for inspiration.
It can be helpful to think about how you would describe someone who has a similar body type as yours. Often we are much kinder when looking at others. Think about people who inspire you, such as athletes, celebrities, or even friends. Then write down their characteristics, and add them to your list of positive attributes. You might include things like being athletic, having a great personality, or being kind. You can also create your own list of positive words. Just remember to keep your positive body image affirmations short and simple, avoiding broad statements. Consistency is key. The more consistent you are in using your positive body image affirmations, the better.
However, it is also important to avoid toxic positivity. Toxic positivity is the belief that no matter how difficult a situation is or how bad a day you are having, you should maintain a positive mindset. Everyone has ups and downs and that’s okay. Use your positive body image affirmations to do just that, affirm who you are, not to discount your real and valid feelings.
10 Body Positive Mantras to Love Yourself
While we encourage you to write your own body positive affirmations to suit your specific needs, we have included the list below to help you get started.
2. My body is a vessel for my awesomeness.
3. I accept myself just the way I am.
4. All bodies are different.
5. I am grateful for my body.
6. My body deserves love.
7. I am perfect and complete, just the way I am.
8. I respect my body, it does amazing things.
9. My body allows me to be who I am.
10. I respect my body for its beauty.
10 Body Positive Songs to Inspire You
It’s important to speak the positive body affirmations into your own life daily. But it is also important to surround yourself with positive messaging throughout your day. Make a playlist and use the songs below to help reinforce your body positive affirmations!
1. “My Skin” by Lizzo
2. “ Most Girls” by Hailee Steinfeld
3. “Scars to Your Beautiful” by Alessia Cara
4. “Perfect” by Pink
5. “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga
6. “Body Love Part 1 & 2” by Mary Lambert
7. “Beautiful Flower” by India Arie
8. “Try” by Colbie Caillat
9. “Beautiful” by Christina Aguilera
10.“Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself” by Jess Glynne
How to Start Affirmations
Start small, and work up from there. For example, you can begin by saying one positive body image affirmation aloud every day. As time goes on, you can increase the number of positive body image affirmations until you're repeating them several times per day. If you find a routine time to use your positive body image affirmations, your body positive affirmation will also become routine. A wonderful time to start this great habit is during your morning and evening skincare routine. As you are showing love and care to your body, you can repeat your positive body image affirmations. You can even use products from a body positive brand. Nourish your mind and body at the same time, what wonderful reinforcement! Don't worry if you slip up here and there. Just pick yourself back up and continue moving forward.
Using positive body image affirmations is a great way to practice self-love. There are many different ways to practice self-love. For example, you could try listening to music that makes you happy, meditating, taking walks, practicing yoga and using a body positive brand when treating yourself. We believe in the type of beauty that not only transforms, but goes beyond the surface – beyond your skin. Beauty that celebrates and embraces all differences.
And lastly, we believe that when we’re able to have this mindset, all things that surround us become sparkly, honest, and naturally beautiful.
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